A magical journey to discover Santa’s Secret Grotto, an exclusive underground wonderland where only a lucky few can go.
Your adventure to Santa’s underground secret grotto begins at the Honister Slate Mine near Keswick, where you’ll be greeted by Santa’s chief Elf helper, Holly Sparklefoot, your warm-hearted and mischievous guide who knows the secrets of this extraordinary place.
Holly is known for her boundless enthusiasm and her magical ability to find hidden paths and passages within the mine.
What’s included:
- An exciting mountain adventure on foot to find Santa’s Secret Grotto
- Meet Santa and receive a gift
- Festive Drink & Festive Snack
- Reindeer Food for Christmas Eve
The Enchanted Quest to Santa’s Secret Grotto
Once upon a time, in the heart of the Lake District, there existed a wondrous place hidden away from the bustling world, known only to the elves and magical creatures who dwell there. It was here that Santa Claus chose to retreat during the chilly winter months, far from the eyes of the world.
Your adventure to Santa’s underground secret grotto begins at the Honister Slate Mine, where you’ll be greeted by Santa’s chief Elf helper, Holly Sparklefoot, your warm-hearted and mischievous guide who knows the secrets of this extraordinary place. Holly is known for her boundless enthusiasm and her magical ability to find hidden paths and passages within the mine.
From £17.50